Sponsorship A Staff Member

Sponsor the Worship Leader ($305.00)

Worship at TYC 2014 will be led by Rev. Mitchell Miller, Pastor at Santa Fe Presbyterian Church (Edmond, Oklahoma). The theme for TYC 2014 is, "Community in Christ" based on Romans 12:4-5. "For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others."

Sponsor the Music Leader ($305.00)

An absolute necessity at TYC.

Sponsor Morning Watch ($305.00)

The morning watch leader position has become (whenever possible) a position that is occupied by a prospective worship leader that is new to TYC. Filling this role affords that person the opportunity to observe, absorb, and gain a comfort level with TYC prior to them actually leading worship.

Sponsor the Nurse ($305.00)

The nurse position is becoming increasingly important in the litigious society in which we live. Even if we discount all of the incidental scrapes and bruises that occur during the week as a matter of course, it seems that there are a record number of prescription medications dispensed each year. Our nurse is responsible for overseeing all of this. We take this very seriously and take the steps necessary to provide the level of professionalism and expertise the position demands.

Sponsor the Photographer/Slideshow ($305.00)

So much goes on during the week during TYC that it literally takes one person all day every day to do justice to capturing it photographically. This photographic record of the week is set to music and "played back" on Friday as a slideshow. The slideshow is one of the highlights of the week, and it wouldn’t be possible without our full time photographer.

Sponsor the Director ($305.00)

Can’t live with 'em…can’t live without 'em. A crucial role at TYC for keeping the group true to the schedule of activities and also the "heavy" when necessary.

Sponsor the Planning Team (5 at $205.00 each; 5 at $100.00 each)

The planning team members now, with a few exceptions, serve a 2-year term. During their first year, they are expected to pay everything except the $100 deposit. For the second year, they are only expected to pay the $100.00 deposit. In this way it works out that each planning team member is afforded one year of TYC free of charge with our gratitude for their service/hard work.