Other Sponsorship Needs

Sponsor the TYC 2015 Brochure (Printing/Mailing) ($1,230.00 total: 2 @ $305.00 each and 4 @ $155.00 each)

We print and mail a brochure to each Presbyterian Church and Presbytery within the Synod of the Trinity. We also mail one brochure to everyone who participated the year before (we encourage them to share this with a friend).

Sponsor our General Liability Insurance Policy (2015 Premium) ($1,400.00 total: 2 @ $400.00 each and 4 @ $150.00 each)

This protects the conference and its participants, and Living Waters Camp and Conference Center now insists that prospective user groups provide a certificate of insurance prior to securing a reservation.

Sponsor the TYC 2015 "Camp Photo" ($310.00) – one glossy 8"x10" photo is given to each participant at the end of the week. In this ever increasing digital age, this will be, for some, the only photograph from TYC they have this is printed.

Sponsor our website hosting expenses ($80.00) – our website accepts registrations for TYC as well as payment and donations. This has become an indispensable tool and has streamlined the registration process.

Sponsor our website maintenance expenses/periodic updates by our professional web designer (consultant) (4 @ $100.00 each, 8 @ $50.00 each) – While we are able to manage much of the content of the website ourselves, there are certain things that must be modified or added that are beyond our expertise.

Sponsor our PayPal Expenses ($325.00) We accumulate approximately $325.00 each year in expenses associated with the use of PayPal for online registrations and donations. However, the convenience of being able to accept payments/donations online far outweighs the loss of revenue. Please consider helping us to offset this expense.